Friday, 25 March 2011

5. How did you attract/address your audience?

To attract the audience I used a black background with red text – symbolising blood and death before the movie has even started. Which stands out really well on the background and the font that I used was creepy and sharp to show the type of horror movie it is – whether it was old fashioned, poltergeists, paranormal or something different. For the people that are familiar with Platinum Dune will recognise the other movies that they have done and will relate back to them, to find the similarities which then brings a new audience to the movie. Also by starting with ‘6 months before’ the audience were able to realise that they are starting in the middle of the teenagers busy life, and they get a first impression of what they are like before knowing what has happened for the killing to occur. This helps for them to start to unravel the story from the beginning.

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