Wednesday, 24 November 2010

which font to use??!!

At our last meeting Gemma and I decided that I would research different types of fonts that we could use in our opening titles, by doing this i have been searching for a range of different websites to find creative fonts, that would also put across what type of genre we chose. I was using the Google search engine to find these different websites...

one of the websites that I decided to investigate was from looking at this i saw many different types of fonts, and creative styles that we could use for our titles. Some fonts that i thought would be affective for the title of the opening were:
JGJ Uncial - the reason i thought that this would be a good choice for the main title is because it is quite sharp and different, but if we were to use this font then we would change the colours to something bright like reds and yellows and use a black background to make it stand out and making it look bold, insinuating the colours.

Argor Man Scaqh - I thought this would be a good choice for a opening title because it quite close together, showing claustrophobia with the word addicted. This would also have the same colour scheme as JGJ Uncial, as the colour scheme would bring out the evil and frightening sense that is received in the opening of Addicted.

I also found a couple of fonts that i thought could look effective when creating the other titles, from, such as producers, actors etc:

A Charming Font - I thought that this could be used for the other titles that we include because it is sticking to the sharp and thin font style, as well as it quite Gothic, which would show that in more parts of the opening it is going to be eerie and dark, building tension.

Abbeyline - This font i found would work well either of the fonts that we use for our main title, as it is also curly but in a creepy way. This would also symbolise the genre, as if it were going to be a happy romantic comedy for example it might have bubbly squiggly writing, but as its a thriller it has curly and sharp fonts.  

we have not yet decided which fonts we are going to use, but we are in the process of doing that now, this will be decided in the next two days, which will then allow us an idea of how we are going to present it in the opening titles and how it is going to affect what people will think of the movie - is it going to attract them and make them want to watch it??

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