Friday, 5 November 2010

The Accused - Level 4 piece of work

We looked at a level 4 piece of work on the website
From this we were given the level criteria which gave us an idea of what we needed to look at in specific detail to get the grades that we wanted. We then watched the video and looked at what they did to achieve a level 4 on their work.

Framing a shot including and excluding elements as appropriate:In this trailer they used a range of different shots which i thought portrayed the message really well, keeping at the same pace, and they defiantly knew when to change to a different shot, instead of using only one.

Using a variety of shot distances as appropriate:How it started at the beginning with an extremely long shot as he was getting closer and running up at the stairs and then changing from a different point of view, where we see the side of him and it is then a mid shot, which shows a varied shot use especially how the distances changed. It is good how they use a range of shots to display the distance from different angles, for example, when he was running around the corner they allowed us to see his face as he ran towards the camera and then they changed the shot to a side view of his feet. By doing this we saw him from a range of different angles.

Shooting material appropriate to the task set:To achieve the task set the group took a different look at their work, used a range of techniques to show us many different points of view and a range of angles to allow us to see different things and people.

Selecting mise - en - scene including colour, figure, lighting, objects and setting:They thought carefully about the weather and if it matched, on each of their scenes, showing it is consistent and that alot of thought had been put into it. They also chose to shoot in black and white and the actors also wore black and white, which i thought was very effective because then we are fully focused on the way that the camera is looking at the actor and how it changed, not being distracted by props and other colours that are around them.

Manipulating photographs as appropriate to the context for presentation, including cropping and resizing:Many of the photos have been cropped to fit in the correct places, by doing this has helped to make the presentation of the trailer look more professional and it made them look appropriate to the presentation and graphics.

Appropriately integrating illustration and text:The text used in the trailer was very good, it was accurate to the content of the video, by the colours and font used on the text. By using the colour white made it stand out and be noticed because a lot of the scene that they are filming in is quite dark and doesn't have much light colours.

Showing understanding of convention of layout and page design:He was able to show his planning and research very clearly in his blog, and used explanations to explain why he did this and how the research on other films and openings helped in his task.

Showing awareness of the need for variety in fonts and text size:He used large titles to show its a different part of the blog, and then smaller fonts on the description of what he is talking about and why, and they used the right colours so that they matched and didn't look out of pace. Using a black background on the slides related to the video and kept to the theme, showing it was going to be quite dark and mysterious.

Using ICT appropriately for the task set:He used his ict skills to edit and cut parts of his footage together to make it look as though it was recorded all in one go, with many different angles. He made the shot changes very sharp and to the point, which therefore made the video more affective when watching it.

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